2nd Day (09/01/2009)
: Columba Fall -> Pyengana
-> Bridestow Lavender Farm -> Lunceston

1st stop: Columba Fall
Natural Rain Forest, fresh air and moderate level bush walking. The magnificent view and the fresh air maybe is the most rewarding gift. Sometime you may encounter local fauna.

2nd stop: Pyengana (Holy Cow Cafe)
On the way to Lunceston, it's 'Holy Cow Cafe'. We stopped at here for fresh farm style lunch. Cheese tasting, jam tasting, you name it~

pics: Cafe lunch set A and set B

3rd stop:
Bridestow Lavender Farm

Gorgeous Lavender, a great place for all; young couple, family, kids...ALLL~~!!! Let the photos speak for themselves

pics: Lavender farm and the story tree.

4th stop:

Stay here for the night, would be visiting here again on the 5th day. More photos later


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