Design is everywhere is our society. From the moment you wake up, you’re constantly engage with design. However, not too many people realize that they are looking at these products as a consumer side perspective. Most people just look at the product and say, “yeah, that’s fine, that should do the job I need to do.” Little do they know that lot of thoughts had gone into that ‘fine’ product. As City Rail advertising slogan suggested ‘A lot have gone into a forgettable trip.’ Consumers purchase products that satisfied their need, help them on a current task or solve a problem in their life. Thus products that surround a person indicated the style of the person, the mental capability of the person and last but not least, the preference of the person. A successfully designed product can engage the target users that they have a feeling ‘Of course it’s designed this way, what other way can it possibly be!’ It’s through continues engagement with a particular products, users can figure out what they really want, who they are and who they want to be. On the other hand, designers seek out the world partly from the consumer’s perspective and as an outsider that constantly asking themselves why this product likes that. It’s only through practice and experience designer can design a successful product. The product speaks for the designer. It illustrates style (form). The product should be creating a harmony instead of chaos in the given target context. Also the mental capability (thoughtfulness) of a designer can be seen via the product he/she designed. How is the product put together? Has the product solved the users’ problem? These elements all required in-depth thinking from the designer. All of this can be seen everywhere, anytime because design is all around us.



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